Volume II

March 9th, 2022
Dear friends and fellow collectors,
Unfortunately, and due to a certain pandemic, our planned research trips in preparation of Volumes II and III of "The Eye of the Flak" had to remain dormant for a period of exactly two years. Although the current manuscript (counting over 450 pages already!) is well underway, the lack of new historical data seriously crippled the writing process of many a chapter.
With Volume II announced for autumn 2021 we've received numerous questions with regards to its availability. Thank all of you for your ongoing interest and support; it's what's keeps us going!
We're therefore glad to inform you that yesterday, March 4th, 2022, we've finally been able to pick up where we left in February 2019: Researching forgotten optical files in the French city of Roubaix. This time our research party of four "masked men" went through over 6,000 pages of original WW II documents of many a major German optical producer, the German Economical Group for Fine Mechanics and Optics and their connections with the French optical industry. Many a document allows for an unprecedented insight in optical models, production details and dates and much, much more!
As for now we can't provide a publishing date for Volumes II and III, but one thing is for certain; we're working on it! So do stay tuned and check this website regularly.
Best regards,
Your "The Eye of the Flak" research party.